اضافت Dr Ritsuko Ikeda طبيبة الرأس والدماغ الى انجازاتها بمعالجة د عماد عجمي من انتكاسة صحية خطيرة اقعدته شهرا كاملا في مستشفى JR في طوكيو وحالت Dr Ikeda بفضل خبرتها وعنايتها دون اجراء عملية خطيرة كان لا بد منها في الرأس.
وتماثل د عجمي تماما للشفاء وعاد لمتابعة حياته اليومية بفضل Dr Ikeda التي تعتبر من الابرع في هذا المجال.
Another accomplishment by Dr. Ritsuko Ikeda, a renowned Neuroradiologist who practices at JR Tokyo Hospital.
Dr. Ikeda successfully treated Dr.Imad Ajami and saved him from undergoing a critical brain surgery. She kept him under her supervision at the hospital for one whole month where she treated the symptoms to avoid a Stroke relapse. Dr. Ajami was discharged from the hospital and is back to his normal daily life. Dr. Ajami’s colleagues, friends and family would like to thank Dr. Ikeda and recognize her expertise and professionalism in treating Dr. Ajami.