Scholarship to study in Japan for Syrian youth refugees

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The International Christian University (ICU) Tokyo and the foundation of the university in U.S. will start scholarship for Syrian youth refugees.
This is first scholarship by private university for Syrian refugees in Japan.
The scholarship aims to support a total of six Syrian refugee for their entire undergraduate education over a seven-year period (2018-2025). The scholarship will cover tuition, housing, living expenses, university fees, travel to Japan and health insurance.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.

Scholarship Award: The award is 25,000 US dollars (USD) per year
Through this scholarship, Syrian refugees can have the opportunity to study at International Christian University in Tokyo.
This university is highly acclaimed by high quality education.
Many graduates are active in international field.
In these days, several imperial families were graduated from this university.
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